Reset in 1 week 2 days 17 hours 40 minutes


Server Description

AutoHunting System - Balanced Nobility System - AntiCheat System - Balanced Rates - Play2Win - NO CPs - Long Term - Max 140/2nd - Max +12 - Red/Black Names Drop Gear/Silver - PVP/PVE Events - EU/US/PH/ - Monk/Ninja - Drop 650 Silver,Stones,DB,Meteor

Server Features

ElementsConquer it is a 5517 server which provides new modern classes (monks, ninjas, trojans, archers,warriors, taoists only) without the new other useless characters. there is no chi, jiang or whatever the last thing is the subclass. AutoHunting System - Balanced Nobility System - AntiCheat System - Balanced Rates - Play2Win - NO CPs - Long Term - Max 140/2nd - Max +12 - Red/Black Names Drop Gear/Silver - PVP/PVE Events - EU/US/PH/ - Monk/Ninja - Drop 650 Silver,Stones,DB,Meteor - WeeklyDrop Event - Version 5517 - Custom FPS
